Hello from SPRING! The birds are singing, the bugs are buzzing, the rivers are flowing and I'm finally out on the lonely road again! Wish You Were Here!
It's amazing to think that it was just one month ago today that I made my first trip of 2010 to Devil's River and found only stillness, the river still firmly in the grip of Old Man Winter. What a difference 30 days and the past week's spring-like temperatures has made! It was such a thrill to arrive here today and even from a distance be able, once again, to hear the water crashing over the rock ledges of my favorite waterfall.
My first ever visit to this place happened just about this time last year as I worked on my 365 day photo project and though it remains relatively unchanged, I tried to approach photographing the scene with fresh eyes. In doing so, I worked out the angle you see here but in other cases I found myself arranging compositions very similar to those I'd done before. However, my extensive time behind the camera last year, and especially shooting these sorts of places so often, taught me a thing or two that made the shooting of this familiar place in this season much more productive and satisfying. As always, I got lost in my "work" here and when all was said and done I had spent nearly two hours clicking away. And I have to say that if what I did here today could be called work then the compensation for my time spent could not be more satisfactory.
So, it's been a good day! I feel like this outing has awakened my wanderlust and I suspect I'll write again soon.
I'll see you again somewhere down the road!