But however grim, this day was not without a notable happening or two. I arrived here at the shore under full darkness and it was really cool to see the lighthouse lamp really shining brightly out on the pier.
Then, as light began to slowly creep into the sky, I could see that the water in the harbor was covered with smallish, floating ice chunks and as large waves washed in, the surface seemed to shift and convulse like it was alive. Very weird!
I walked along the pier to the lighthouse shooting from here and there as I went. BIG waves pushing in at nearly the same angle as the pier whooshed along the edge, often catching in the corrugated metal pier wall causing frothing, bubbling plumes of water to shoot up over and travel along the edge as the wave moved further toward the beach. As always I spent way too long out there, pushed it until I was too cold to function any longer.
So, it was not the most memorable day at the lake but still worth having gotten up early to make the drive out, for no matter what the mood of my great lake she's always a pleasure to visit.
I'll see you again somewhere down the road...